
I don’t believe in god, I don’t know even if there’s a god or not but with all the things I've heard about him, being a woman is the closest one can get to being a god.

Nitesh Gurjar
5 min readMar 29, 2024

I don’t know what makes women special, maybe that feminine energy? those divinely qualities? or merely the fact that she is THE creator, she is where life begins, origin of the worlds or… she is just another human but with more empathy, sensitivity, compassion and peace than others.

Since the beginning of time, man has been wandering like a wild animal, conquering pieces of land one after another, searching worlds from top to bottom but never wondered what is he looking for? What is that one thing he needs so badly that he can’t stop searching for it, yet he can’t find it. We know that we need it; we can feel that need but the misery is, we don’t know what it is.

The answer is Women’s love, it’s that peace, that sukoon he can only find in a woman’s heart, it’s very hard to believe but that’s it that’s the answer, men were never smart enough to realize it but those who have felt that peace know it’s true and the history of mankind is an evidence rnough that those who found it stopped wandering. A woman is where a man’s life begins and it is where his life finds destiny.

I’ve always heard people reminiscing about their ‘first love’ and how it was so specially and nothing after that matched it? I always wondered why? from a male perspective, perhaps it’s because the first love represents the initial encounter with the essence of womanhood — the first exposure to those enchanting qualities and the profound sense of peace that accompanies them. It could be the moment when one realizes the existence of such a divine being, maybe that’s why it was unforgettable, incomparable.

Have you ever wondered what was missing in Macedonia that brought Alexander halfway across the world? what could possibly be there in the terrains of Hindu Kush mountains that he could not find in Babylon? even the whole wealth and land of Persia and all the power in the world could not give him peace and satisfaction then there must be something superior to these things that we need. Alauddin Khalji, who conquered whole India, after having everything he could have imagined, how just by hearing about a woman he lost all his senses? how Padmini became the most precious thing for him? he would have traded everything he had to have her just for a second and not getting her ever was the biggest loss for him. Ever wondered why the Napoleon, who never lost a battle, yearned and longed every single day of his life for the love of Josephine, what her absence did to him? from Alexander to Genghis Khan to Khalji to Napoleon to and all men, the truth is a man can conquer the whole universe but will still crave for the love of woman of his love. Those who got it, never had to conquer anything, they found their world, their universe in that one person.

as a human all we need is peace, everything we do or every thing we want from money to job to power and status and what not, everything to reach that peace somehow but has anyone ever succeeded? has anyone ever stop at some point and said ‘that’s it I got it, now I don’t need more.’ nope! even those who conquered the whole world could not attain that peace because it’s a void! a void for a woman’s love, the peace a man feels when he is with a woman he loves…a woman who loves him, and anything else you can try but will never be able to fill that void, That’s how divine a woman is. Consciously or subconsciously somehow we’re running after that peace, and those who found their peace in that one woman never had to search anywhere else. It’s not hidden somewhere it’s always in front of us but we were so stupid we could never see it, we couldn’t value her, always did and will take her for granted and like a million men before us we will also keep wandering.

Like all of us, I also grew up hearing the stories and legends of Ram and Sita but it took me years to understand a simple underlying message that a man is ready to spend his life in jungle, happily through pain and misery if his woman is there by his side and the moment he loses her, what happens to him? he could not stop wandering in forests wailing for Sita, inundating in a sludgy ocean of woes, how a man with nothing went to a war with Ravan, all for what? his Woman. How divine she and her love must be for him? Another unfortunate underlying message emerges when he finally reunites with her — what happens afterward? He forsakes her, casting her into exile, the very woman he once cherished above all else. Despite his relentless pursuit and anguish during her absence, perhaps he had taken her presence for granted. While justifications abound, citing duty and destiny, deep down, if asked about her abandonment in that moment of longing for Sita’s return, he might not have even considered it for a fraction of a second. The brutal reality is as a man even if you’re a god, you only realize her value after you lose her.

one of the main reason behind so many atrocities against women in our society is that our country is a country of arrange marriages, where a ‘man’ just gets the woman for nothing, he never worked hard to get her or win her heart, he never fought to get her, he never proved himself for her, he just got her and that’s why he will never! never realize the real value and worth of that woman and he will always take her for granted…basic human tendency. Not only in our nation but throughout the annals of human history, the same narrative unfolds: the value of women eludes us because we’ve always received such divine beings effortlessly, without pray or sacrifice.

A woman makes a man, a man. there is no difference between wild animals and men, it’s the presence of women in our lives that make us human by all of their qualities they got, maybe through millenniums of evolution. Through centuries of domination we tried to deny it but end of the day we always had to pay for it.

A women is the most beautiful and precious creation of nature and this universe and if you don’t value her accordingly, the universe will make you pay for it.

So instead of worshipping statues and gods, worship the women in your life, be grateful for their existence in your life and realize her worth before it’s too late because what she has for you you’ll never find it anywhere else in this whole wide universe and once you don’t have it anymore, you’ll yearn and ache for it your whole life.

With the faith you worship your gods, if you can show such faith to a woman in your life maybe you’ll never need a god, a woman might not be a god but for a man she is surely no less than any god.

